Breakfast Skillet with Spinach, Mushrooms and Goat Cheese

It’s Saturday morning in Toronto and the first thing that comes to mind as I open my eyes is, “Wow. I’m hungover.” The second thing is, “I want brunch… STAT.” If you live in Toronto, you know that grabbing brunch can sometimes be a three-hour endeavor, and it’s nearly impossible to go anywhere with more than four people. If you do, you know you’ll be waiting. And after a full night of drinks, you’re body does not want to wait to be nourished. Hanger kicks in.
Through my frustration, I decided that I should be making more brunches at home. That being said, cooking with a hangover isn’t always the most pleasant experience. Those are the times when I concoct my one-pot breakfast… skillet. It’s always a mish mash of what I’ve got in the fridge or pantry, with the addition of some eggs.

Breakfast Skillet with Spinach, Mushrooms and Goat Cheese

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