Chicken & Bok Choy Stir-fry

After having somewhat of a rough week, the weekend is finally here and as usual when it comes to dinnertime comes the daily question of, “what does everybody want for dinner”. My wife is very unpredictable when it comes to what she wants on the dinner table, and my usual response from her is that she’s not sure. After pondering for a while, I asked if she would be interested in Beef & Broccoli and she said no. Suddenly, I remembered that I had bought some Bok Choy from our local market (American Bok Choy and not the Asian baby Bok Choy) so, knowing that my wife has never actually had Bok Choy before, I was not sure if that was even an option for her. To my surprise, she said yes, and she sounded optimistic about it.

Chicken & Bok Choy Stir-fry

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