vietnamese iced coffee cake

I'm embarrassed to say that, especially given that I come from one of the most serious coffee drinking regions of the country. There's also this weird perception that people who don't drink coffee are weak or mild-mannered or unsophisticated; I like to think I'm neither of those things, but maybe not? I really don't know. But the truth is, I don't need coffee to survive. I love the taste of it, sure, but I function perfectly well without it. Caffeine affects me too much for it to be a daily thing — I want to be able to come home from a hard day's work and crash completely without laying awake in bed from any residual caffeine in my system. Even now, I only drink coffee socially with friends, when I'm fighting jet lag, or putting in long hours at an event or press trip situation like the one I'm currently on (CheeseCation with Vermont Creamery!!!). 

vietnamese iced coffee cake

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